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Manny Pacquiao Kicks Off Training Camp

Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao Training against clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Staff (31-Jan-2010) was behind closed doors in Camp Pacquiao earlier this weekend and observed the pound-for-pound king in an exclusive workout. The ‘Pacman’ kicked things off looking in tremendous shape for his first week in active training and together with Coach Freddie Roach and the rest of the team preparations for his March 13 fight against Joshua Clottey are well underway. Stay tuned for an upcoming article from Ace Freeman, more exclusive photos from Cherry Cervantes, and an eagerly anticipated new original short documentary by Ron Gabriel. Only on!

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Knowledge Power Evolution Of Manny

Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao Training against clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Ace Freeman (31-Jan-2010)

Ace Freeman takes you behind closed doors in Manny Pacquiao’s January 2010 training camp to take a closer look at the man behind the growing legend.

“Knowledge plus power…” the champ yelled out. “Knowledge plus power!”

Those were the words that resonated through the silence in an empty Wild Card gym at high noon on this particular Friday in January 2010, as Manny Pacquiao began to glide across a fresh sheet of canvas. The Hollywood sun was peeking in thinly despite the drawn shades and it momentarily risked illuminating Boxing’s brightest star even more so than was already the case.

His shadowboxing began with the absence of any shadows early in this training camp. I stood transfixed by his movements. It was not the first time I’ve been afforded the privilege of watching Pacquiao at work but I was indeed stuck with a new sense of awe at the specimen he’s become over the last four years.

His simple warm up routine carried a sense of grace befitting of the sweet science. His movement appeared choreographed like a fistic ballet… beautiful in it’s own right if not for the accompanying undertone of pending violence. As he skated around the empty ring his blazing fists in unison with his primitive grunting was a harsh reminder of the bad intentions behind what he is currently preparing for.

It is the beginning of a new decade and the Filipino charge sits firmly atop the world of boxing. His goal has now become defending his crown. It is a stark contrast to the humble and scruffy young man I first watched train in the same ring during my first trip to Los Angeles in 2006.

In a visit to watch then heavyweight hopeful James Toney train under the watchful guidance of the now infamous ‘Coach’ Freddie Roach, I first saw Manny Pacquiao up close and personal as he prepared for his rematch with Eric Morales. It was a quiet and subdued young fighter whom I first saw, laying in relative obscurity, finishing up his abdominal work.

At the time the legions of hopeful fans needing to be turned away in droves did not yet line the side walks around the Wild Card Boxing Club, and access to the young up and coming fighter was a lot easier to come by.

Unfortunately this was not the case on my most recent trip to Los Angeles.

I had been hopeful I would get the chance to see Manny train this visit but knew it was far from a guarantee. Life around the Wild Card during Manny’s training camp is now up to snuff with the exclusivity in the surrounding Hollywood hills. Everyone wants a piece or a peek and the room for the champ to be made available is thin with his dire need to focus.

Friday morning I made my way down to the gym bright and early hoping to catch Freddie Roach with enough fee time time for an interview. As a fellow (partial) Canadian, Freddie has always been hospitable on top of being one of the most genuine personalities in the fight game. After a lengthy chat about the current state of things surrounding him and his fighter I was fortunate enough to end up with an invitation to sit in on an afternoon of Manny’s training.

I waited in the wings as the place swelled with the early morning crowd of gym rats hard at work. The speed bags were humming and standing room became scarce with the building near capacity as men and women alike struggled to get their workouts in.

As the clock struck the top of the hour it was as if all the hand wraps and gloves fell empty to the floor and all signs of life seemed to suddenly vanish. The gym closes at the same time each afternoon for the private training camp of Manny Pacquiao… and once vacated the silence before the champ’s arrival is deafening.

The Wild Card looks serene in the absence of all it’s members, and the afternoon sun illuminated the main ring as it sat empty awaiting it’s most famous inhabitant.

Gone was the ball cap wearing up and comer who was shy about making eye contact years before. The man who entered the gym this time around was larger than life and had the entourage to go with it. From drivers to chefs to the faithful inner circle, Manny Pacquiao now travels like the attraction he has become in recent years.

Arguably one of the most famous individuals in the history of his own country and one of the premiere athletes in all the world, humility is not a trait the champ lost along the way. He smiled with bright and endearing eyes upon seeing my intrusion to his camp and flashed an inviting smile as he shook my hand.

After making the rounds to greet the familiar onlookers who had remained in the gym, Pacquaio entered the ring dawning a “Manila No. 25″ t-shirt and began a rigorous stretching routine with strength and conditioning coach Alex Ariza.

The door to the gym was now locked as Team Pacquiao body guard Rob Peters stood watch, looking to keep eager onlookers on the outside looking in.

Manny Pacquiao was all smiles as he began his workout. After stretching he started out with light shadowboxing and began to chase Ariza around the ring. Just as he would when cutting off the ring while stalking a retreating opponent, Pacquiao moved like a shark through water with deceptive speed of foot. Finally cornered, Ariza impressively leapt through the ropes to the delight of the onlookers. An impressive vanishing act not afforded to actual Pacquiao opponents.

The champ continued on and would spin and throw punches every which way as he pivoted and changed angles constantly. His faithful sidekick Buboy Fernandez was the constant victim of a surprise body attack every time Manny passed by his location on the sideline. Pacquiao would change direction suddenly as he neared the rope and end a combination of punches with a slapping swipe at his friend’s mid section.

One of these shots happened right in front of me as I looked on from behind the ropes and somewhat caught off guard I happened to gasp at the loud slapping sound as Buboy hunched over in some discomfort.

My alarm caught the champ’s attention and he looked at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows and laughed somewhat nervously.

“Body shot!” I exclaimed. He laughed and repeated my sentiment.

“Body shot!”

Things took on a much more serious tone as Freddie Roach entered the ring. The long time ace trainer maintains a loose and carefree climate at his Hollywood stronghold along with his band of merry men, but when it comes time to enter the ring with his star pupil, he is all business.

The multi million dollar athlete gave a slight bow in the direction of his mentor. The reverence in Pacquiao’s eyes as he submits to the advice and instructions of Coach Freddie further contrast the shades of the humble, naive young man who first came through those doors several years back.

The teacher-student dynamic between Roach and Pacquiao remains paramount to the ongoing success the dynamic duo currently enjoys. As much room as there is for clowning and play, Roach knows when it’s time to bear down and Pacquiao follows his lead without question.

As the two began to engage in thunderous mitt-work, Joshua Clottey’s name came up for the first time. As is often the case while working the mitts, the two focused on strategic movements particular to Manny’s March 13 opponent. We had been asked to turn off our video cameras during the pad work portion of the training and it was immediately evident why.

Precise movements are tirelessly choreographed between the two with the intention of capitalizing on their opponent’s style and habits.

The dialogue between the trainer and fighter was fascinating as they meticulously practiced angles and the exploding of particular punches out of varied movements. Roach has already studied a great deal of Joshua Clottey footage and feels he has the ground work for a solid game plan.

From his comments to Freddie in mid flight it’s clear Pacquiao has done a great deal of studying in his own right as he stops to ask the coach for his opinion on certain adjustments the African challenger may attempt to employ.

A trend that has emerged in recent fights continues in training as Pacquiao becomes increasingly more effective at generating explosive power while retreating on the back foot.

Early in his career when he was often guilty of being a one-handed stalker the majority of the damage he did was reserved to when he was coming forward with his foot firmly on the gas.

Critics were quick to point out that in instances where opponents managed to back the effectiveness of the Filipino fighter’s technique diminished.

No more.

Present day Pacquiao seems to have summoned the ability to spring forward out of a retreating crouch with the reflexes of a cat. It appears to be one of the many elements of movement tirelessly included in his training routine.

As Roach and Pacquiao continued with their mitt work the combination punching was nothing short of awe inspiring.

Earlier in the day I asked Freddie to convey to me how much harder Manny is punching now that he’s settled in to a welterweight frame.

“He’s hitting fucking hard,” was his reply, the expletive appeared inserted for emphasis, and for the aches that surely accompany a long session of catching such ferocious punches.

Coach Roach is literally playing with fire these days in that regard. In practicing combination punching on the mitts, one might liken him catching the blazing fast sequences of punches to juggling explosives.

To the naked eye there appears to be so little room for error with the velocity of the punches that at times Roach’s face is split seconds and millimetres away from absorbing a potential knock out blow.

Manny would tirelessly throw combinations at Roach in under a second’s time. As they repeated this lightning fast sequence, Roach would occasionally ask his star pupil to “hook out”, adding a “clean up” hook for good measure.

Each time this was done I cringed as the fine line of Pacquiao’s control over the precision of those final punches appeared to flirt with the possibility of blasting Roach near his chin.

To my surprise it never happened. The high octane choreography continued on and on with pin point accuracy.

Trainer and pupil were tireless in their attention to detail. Manny would often speak of particular punches in his arsenal as though they were literally weapons. He appears obsessed with the tactical aspect of perfecting minute details and movements. Again, a stark contrast to the younger stalking, pressure fighter of many years ago, who came blazing on to the world scene on the coat tails of ferocity alone.

Manny Pacquiao in 2010 is a whole other beast.

“I’m smart!” he exclaimed as he danced around the ring upon completing the strategic mitt work with Roach. Like a kid in a candy store he spun around the ring like a wind up toy.

All through out the training session that day the champ would mix in an occasional “Ali Shuffle”… a quick shuffling of the feet made famous by the legendary Muhammad Ali. Roach later confirmed Manny seems to greatly enjoy doing that as of late.

“Knowledge plus power…” Manny exclaimed. “Knowledge plus power!”

The words were repeated like a mantra that afternoon as he continued speeding his way around the ring.

From the young man who slowly discovered the debilitating power he possessed at boxing’s top level to the grown man who now tirelessly works to plot his destruction with a thinking man’s prognostication… there has been an evolution in Manny Pacquiao in these last few years.

He has superseded the perfection of a singular style and instead of feeling the need to drive endlessly forward, he seems to have grasped the fact that it is the unbending tree that breaks in the wind. His newfound ability to retreat and react has truly added a superior dimension to his fold.

It is something he still works on endlessly and it is the reason we see so much improvement with each fight he takes.

Manny finished the training session that afternoon with work on the speed bags. As he worked to a nice rhythm in the setting afternoon sun I couldn’t help but notice a old faded photo of a young Floyd Mayweather Jr. on the Wild Card wall. It hung among many photos high above Manny’s head as he droned away on the bag.

After a proposed mega fight for early this year fell by the wayside, Mayweather continues to be the elephant in the room around Team Pacquiao, and it was not a topic that went untouched through out the afternoon.

Pacquiao took a moment in his clowning around the ring to do his impression of Mayweather’s patented defense. Everyone was all smiles as he exaggerated pulling away from imaginary punches to his own delight.

“Floyd is good,” Manny said at one point. “… but he is the former pound-for-pound king.”

The entire training session was over in just under three hours.

When everything was said and done we were lucky enough to have garnered an invite from Manny’s culinary specialist Archie to join Team Pacquiao for dinner.

In a small and secluded Thai restaurant near the Wild Card – closed down just for Manny’s visit – we enjoyed a healthy selection of fish, soup, chicken and rice served to a group of fifteen or so.

A big screen TV sat high on the wall surrounded by autographed photos of the champ. One in particular read “I love Thai food” along with his patented signature.

While we ate we watched early fights of a seventeen year old Manny Pacquiao wildly swinging away at scrawny fellow junior flyweights. The champ sat transfixed watching his wild swinging younger self with wide and irreproachable eyes. As the knockout punches came the table cheered and Manny would burst out with child like laughter.

I couldn’t help but smile at the irony.

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Manny Pacquiao Vs Josh Clottey 2010

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Pacquiao Vs Cotto Highlights

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Pacquiao Watch Finally Possibility

WHEN Manny Pacquiao walked away from the megafight that would have him and Floyd Mayweather Jnr earning at least US$40 million each, many thought the fight would never happen even though almost everybody hoped it would still happen.

Many believed that in taking the tough Ghanian Joshua Clottey, Pacquiao proved he is up to any challenge and only wanted the best competition there is in his division - which some did not find lately in Mayweather Jnr.

Clottey is a tough durable welterweight – arguably belonging to the top five in the division.

Had the Shane Mosley-Andre Berto pushed through as originally scheduled for today (January 31 in the Philippines), Mayweather would have at least three more months to find an opponent that would be equal if not better than Clottey whom Manny will be facing on March 14.

As it turned out, Mayweather Jnr will have the Haiti tragedy to thank for. Berto withdrew from his scheduled fight with Mosley to attend to his grieving family which lost at least eight relatives.

It left a window for Mayweather Jnr to prove that the days of cherry picking his opponent are over.

He has to take Mosley who had been aching to square off with him for a decade now.

Mayweather Jnr did not only have popular opinion running against him when he demanded Pacquiao undergo rigid drug testing way beyond what the boxing world has been prescribing and observing that eventually led to the cancellation of the fight against the Filipino boxing champion. He also saw cable show provider HBO turn its back on him when it chose to air Manny’s fight with Clottey even though Mayweather previously owned the date.

Granting Mosley is better than Clottey, Mayweather still has to beat him in convincing fashion before he can again issue a challenge on Pacquiao.

And Pacquiao will have the honor of drawing the first blood. If Manny beats Clottey in the manner he conquered his last three opponents (Oscar de la Hoya, Ricky Hatton and Miguel Angel Cotto), Mayweather will have to knockout Mosley in a very convincing fashion to regain any leverage he has lost when Pacquiao decided to pull out from their fight.

Doing that however will still not gave him the recognition he has been demanding since coming out of retirement for the nth time.

He still has to take Manny.

Manny is the new kid on the block. Any pretender to the pound for pound throne will have to go through him just like the road to this year’s NBA championship will have to pass through the Los Angeles Lakers.

Mayweather probably realized this by now. The Money Guy no longer goes by the name Floyd.

That is why he is taking the Mosley fight even if the risk of losing to his fellow American is far greater than losing to the Filipino – business wise.

Mayweather will probably get US$10 million max fighting Shane. And Mosley is the only credible challenge left for him to get that mega-million payday with Pacquiao.

Pacquiao, on the other hand, is guaranteed at least a eight-figure purse against Clottey and probably even bigger if he fights Mosley later.

Given these developments, my haunch is that Pacquiao and Mayweather will finally get to fight each other later this year.

But there are big ifs - if Mayweather wins against Mosley and if Pacquaio loses his congressional bid.

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Joshua Clottey Small Reel

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Pacquiao Spars Five Rounds Looks

Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao Training against clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Ronnie Nathanielsz
Sun, 31 Jan 2010

In the eyes of conditioning expert Alex Ariza, pound-for-pound superstar Manny Pacquiao can do no wrong when he trains for a fight.

On his second day of sparring at the Wild Card Gym of multi-titled trainer Freddie Roach, Pacquiao went three rounds with a former sparring mate who helped him prepare for the Ricky Hatton fight but whose name Ariza couldn’t recall although he said he was undefeated with a record of 11-0 and two rounds with Brian Brooks who took another beating and is likely to be replaced.

Ariza said the workout “went real well and Manny was fantastic.” He said the black kid who went three rounds with Pacquiao was good but “Manny looked phenomenal.”

Ariza said Pacquiao “is just on top of his game really and this is only the first week.”

Meantime Top Rank promoter Bob Arum told us he and Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys and the $1.2 billion state-of-the-art stadium where Pacquiao will defend his WBO welterweight title against Ghana’s Joshua Clottey will fly to Mexico City and Monterrey to promote “The Event” since there are several Mexican fighters on the card.

Arum said they will have a huge press conference to promote the undercard which will feature Jose Luis Castillo against Alfonso Gomez and former world champion Antonio Margarito who makes a comeback after serving a one year suspension by the California Athletic Commission for loaded hand-wraps in his fight against Miguel Cotto.

Margarito will fight American Carson Jones while Irish middleweight John Duddy will also see action on the card.

Arum also indicated that Clottey would return to the US from Accrta, Ghana on Tuesday to resume training and should his trainer not get his US visa renewed Clottey would have to work with a new trainer from the US.

Arum didn’t wish to talk about the reported May 1 clash between Floyd Mayweather Jr and Sugar Shane Mosley indicating he would go ahead with his plans for Pacquiao and not worry about what Golden Boy Promotions or the Mayweather camp say or do.

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Arum Very Impressed With Pacquiaos

Pacquiao Clottey 24/7 Episodes, Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Ronnie Nathanielsz
Fri, 29 Jan 2010

Top Rank promoter Bob Arum showed up at the Wild Card Gym in Los Angeles on Wednesday to watch his prized possession Manny Pacquiao train and said later he was “very impressed.”

The pound-for-pound icon went through his usual routine as well as nine rounds on the punch-mitts without a break.

Conditioning coach Alex Ariza told us that Pacquiao started his strength training and noted “he looked a lot stronger than he has been in the past and in some of the exercises it was nice to see on my part that it's like he’s not starting from the beginning.”

He said Pacquiao will begin sparring on Thursday (LA Time) but there was no word on who trainer Freddie Roach had picked to serve as sparring partners.

Ariza said Roach was “trying to put everything in order” which includes strict restrictions on who could remain inside while Pacquiao trains. He said the gym was virtually empty with only a few people from Team Pacquiao including Filipino trainer Restituto “Buboy” Fernandez present.

Ariza informed us that Gerry Penalosa who fights former two-division world champion Eric Morel on the “Pinoy Power III” card at the Las Vegas Hilton on February 13 which will be telecast in the Philippines by the giant broadcast network ABS-CBN said Penalosa was “aggressive, active and comes forward and is nice to watch.”

However, Ariza was most impressed by Philippine bantamweight champion Eden Sonsona, the flashy southpaw. He said “he looks really good. He’s strong and I really like him.”

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Pacquiao 7 Wk Training Enough For

He only has seven weeks to train for his March 13 title defense against Joshua Clottey of Ghana but Filipino champion Manny Pacquiao assured everyone that it would be enough to get him geared up for the showdown at the Cowboys Stadium in Texas.

Now on his second week of training at the Wild Card gym in Los Angeles, Pacquiao shrugged off concerns about the build-up for Clottey being shorter than his usual eight-week camps.

“No (it's not a concern), training is good. Right now I have pretty good movement. I am throwing good combinations and I will be ready for the fight on March 13," Pacquiao said in an interview with 8 Count News.

The 31-year-old Pacquiao has started sparring last Friday, thoroughly dominating a bigger Bryan Brooks, whom trainer Freddie Roach is already considering to drop as sparmate.

Assistant trainer Buboy Fernandez said Pacquiao is right on schedule in so far as getting into his rhythm is concerned.

“Na-impress kami kasi first day pa lang, gagalaw na siya nang ganon kaganda," Fernandez said in a TV interview with GMA News. “Usually kasi yung ganoong galaw mga two days, three days ng sparring lumalabas. Ngayon, talagang nakita natin na nilabas niya agad."

The relatively shorter gap between his last outing (Nov. 14 against Miguel Cotto) and the start of training for the Clottey gig this month also contributed to this fast progress.

“Siguro dahil hindi masyadong malayo ang gap ng huling laban at yung condition ko, hindi naman masyadong nawala (after the Cotto fight) kaya konting tune-up lang, nandyan na agad (rhythm)," Pacquiao told GMA News.

Team Pacquiao, as always, will be banking on the Pacman’s vaunted speed and power against the tough Clottey.

“(The difference will be) speed. The thing is that everybody has an asset and it’s not a secret why we can compete at this level at this weight. Manny Pacquiao has speed and power and that’s the key to winning the fight," said Roach.

The Hall of Fame trainer said they will try to break down Clottey, who has never been knocked out before.

“He has a passive defense and leaves his body wide open for a while when he puts his hands up…When we dig to the body and break him down, I think we can get him out of there," Roach said.

Still, knowing Clottey's durability, Roach said Team Pacquiao will prepare to go "12 hard rounds" against the Bronx-based Ghanaian. - GMANews.TV

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Joshua Clottey Vs Jose Luis Cruz R1 2

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Manny Pacquiao Joshua Clottey Faceoff

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Pacquiao 7 Wk Training Enough For

He only has seven weeks to train for his March 13 title defense against Joshua Clottey of Ghana but Filipino champion Manny Pacquiao assured everyone that it would be enough to get him geared up for the showdown at the Cowboys Stadium in Texas.

Now on his second week of training at the Wild Card gym in Los Angeles, Pacquiao shrugged off concerns about the build-up for Clottey being shorter than his usual eight-week camps.

“No (it's not a concern), training is good. Right now I have pretty good movement. I am throwing good combinations and I will be ready for the fight on March 13," Pacquiao said in an interview with 8 Count News.

The 31-year-old Pacquiao has started sparring last Friday, thoroughly dominating a bigger Bryan Brooks, whom trainer Freddie Roach is already considering to drop as sparmate.

Assistant trainer Buboy Fernandez said Pacquiao is right on schedule in so far as getting into his rhythm is concerned.

“Na-impress kami kasi first day pa lang, gagalaw na siya nang ganon kaganda," Fernandez said in a TV interview with GMA News. “Usually kasi yung ganoong galaw mga two days, three days ng sparring lumalabas. Ngayon, talagang nakita natin na nilabas niya agad."

The relatively shorter gap between his last outing (Nov. 14 against Miguel Cotto) and the start of training for the Clottey gig this month also contributed to this fast progress.

“Siguro dahil hindi masyadong malayo ang gap ng huling laban at yung condition ko, hindi naman masyadong nawala (after the Cotto fight) kaya konting tune-up lang, nandyan na agad (rhythm)," Pacquiao told GMA News.

Team Pacquiao, as always, will be banking on the Pacman’s vaunted speed and power against the tough Clottey.

“(The difference will be) speed. The thing is that everybody has an asset and it’s not a secret why we can compete at this level at this weight. Manny Pacquiao has speed and power and that’s the key to winning the fight," said Roach.

The Hall of Fame trainer said they will try to break down Clottey, who has never been knocked out before.

“He has a passive defense and leaves his body wide open for a while when he puts his hands up…When we dig to the body and break him down, I think we can get him out of there," Roach said.

Still, knowing Clottey's durability, Roach said Team Pacquiao will prepare to go "12 hard rounds" against the Bronx-based Ghanaian. - GMANews.TV

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Manny Pacquiaos Greatest Hits

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Pacquiao Is Now In Training In Los

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Pacquiao Watch Finally Possibility

WHEN Manny Pacquiao walked away from the megafight that would have him and Floyd Mayweather Jnr earning at least US$40 million each, many thought the fight would never happen even though almost everybody hoped it would still happen.

Many believed that in taking the tough Ghanian Joshua Clottey, Pacquiao proved he is up to any challenge and only wanted the best competition there is in his division - which some did not find lately in Mayweather Jnr.

Clottey is a tough durable welterweight – arguably belonging to the top five in the division.

Had the Shane Mosley-Andre Berto pushed through as originally scheduled for today (January 31 in the Philippines), Mayweather would have at least three more months to find an opponent that would be equal if not better than Clottey whom Manny will be facing on March 14.

As it turned out, Mayweather Jnr will have the Haiti tragedy to thank for. Berto withdrew from his scheduled fight with Mosley to attend to his grieving family which lost at least eight relatives.

It left a window for Mayweather Jnr to prove that the days of cherry picking his opponent are over.

He has to take Mosley who had been aching to square off with him for a decade now.

Mayweather Jnr did not only have popular opinion running against him when he demanded Pacquiao undergo rigid drug testing way beyond what the boxing world has been prescribing and observing that eventually led to the cancellation of the fight against the Filipino boxing champion. He also saw cable show provider HBO turn its back on him when it chose to air Manny’s fight with Clottey even though Mayweather previously owned the date.

Granting Mosley is better than Clottey, Mayweather still has to beat him in convincing fashion before he can again issue a challenge on Pacquiao.

And Pacquiao will have the honor of drawing the first blood. If Manny beats Clottey in the manner he conquered his last three opponents (Oscar de la Hoya, Ricky Hatton and Miguel Angel Cotto), Mayweather will have to knockout Mosley in a very convincing fashion to regain any leverage he has lost when Pacquiao decided to pull out from their fight.

Doing that however will still not gave him the recognition he has been demanding since coming out of retirement for the nth time.

He still has to take Manny.

Manny is the new kid on the block. Any pretender to the pound for pound throne will have to go through him just like the road to this year’s NBA championship will have to pass through the Los Angeles Lakers.

Mayweather probably realized this by now. The Money Guy no longer goes by the name Floyd.

That is why he is taking the Mosley fight even if the risk of losing to his fellow American is far greater than losing to the Filipino – business wise.

Mayweather will probably get US$10 million max fighting Shane. And Mosley is the only credible challenge left for him to get that mega-million payday with Pacquiao.

Pacquiao, on the other hand, is guaranteed at least a eight-figure purse against Clottey and probably even bigger if he fights Mosley later.

Given these developments, my haunch is that Pacquiao and Mayweather will finally get to fight each other later this year.

But there are big ifs - if Mayweather wins against Mosley and if Pacquaio loses his congressional bid.

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Reason Why Pacquiao Called As Poun 4

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Pacquiao Clottey And Pacquiao Morales

Pacquiao Clottey 24/7 Episodes, Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
Is there anything or anyone that can stop Manny Pacquiao these days? It seems like he’s on a winning streak for the ages now with the man who shares arguably the number 1 spot in Boxing’s mythical pound for pound list being afraid to step in the ring with him. Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s baseless PED’s accusations and extraordinary stipulations caused the March 13th superfight to fall through. Bob Arum has defended his prized ward very well, and has now turned the tables on Oscar Dela Hoya, calling for the once Golden Boy to “sign the PED waiver”.

“The Pacman” has no time to deal with such cowardice. That is why Manny Pacquiao has moved on and is scheduled to fight against a battle tank in Joshua Clottey in Dallas this March, in a fight dubbed “The Event” because of the sheer magnitude and scale of the entire production, and Floyd Mayweather is still struggling to sign the dotted line on a rumored bout with Sugar Shane Mosley.

For Pacquiao, the fight with the tough Ghanaian will be an even tougher test than his bout with Miguel Cotto. Clottey, who hunches and plods forward in attack mode, will be the largest and strongest fighter Pacquiao will have ever fought. The man has a chin made of granite. Clottey has taken the heaviest punches from the top Welterweights including Cotto and the once feared Antonio Margarito. And there is every indication that he will be able to withstand the power of Pacquiao. Pacquiao will once again have to rely on his speed and boxing ability to break down the warrior Clottey in hopes of a late round KO/stoppage, which is the only way to win against Clottey to send a message to the Mayweather camp.

Clottey on the other hand, will attempt to do what David Diaz, Oscar Dela Hoya, Ricky Hatton and Miguel Cotto failed to do in their respective bouts with Pacquiao. He will have to overpower Pacquiao and run him over like a ‘battle tank’, imposing his superior size and strength to wear down the Welterweight kingpin. A win for Joshua Clottey could set him up for bigger paydays against his division’s elite, including rematches with both Cotto and Margarito, whom he both lost decisions to. Not to mention the fame and noteriety of being one of the only few people to ever beat Pacquiao.

One man who has, Erik “El Terible” Morales, makes his comeback against Jose Alfaro in Mexico also this March. Morales, who Pacquiao sent to retirement via 3rd round TKO back in 2006, will be competing in the Lightweight division and working his way back up. At 33 years old, Morales attempts to once again discover the fountain of youth that has eluded him for so long, thus losing his last 4 fights. However, one has to wonder if Morales does indeed recapture the form that made him one of the sports most dangerous fighters, he could enter the mix and challenge both Mexican countryman Juan Manuel Marquez, and Pacquiao at the 147 lb. limit. If so, Morales would not have to drop weight so much which is what really piles on the wear and tear in a fighter’s body through the years. This idea has been thrown around a lot but I think Pacquiao would literally kill him at the Welterweight limit. In my opinion, Morales should never be allowed to step in the ring with Pacquiao ever again. At 147 lbs, prime Morales or not, Pacquiao would obliterate him.

Still, Morales is one man Clottey should turn to, at least in tapes as Morales is the only one to ever deal with Pacquiao’s ferociousness straight up, and come away with a victory. Clottey hopes for the same success in March.

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Pacquiao Tops List Five Guys Joshua

Pacquiao Clottey 24/7 Episodes, Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
Boxing Examiner | Michael Marley

Obviously, Joshua Clottey is a marketable commodity. But his pre Manny Pacquiao fight remarks must be taken with grains of salt, maybe 12 million grains of salt.

Like President Bam Bam in his feisty State of the Union speech Wednesday night, Clottey is hitting all the right notes.

The Ghanaian is saying that Megamanny is not superman. He says he knows how to handle southpaws. He says he won’t be in the Cowboys Stadium on march 13 merely to collect the biggest purse of his distinguished if hardly remarkable career.

Speculative promises are one thing and hot air is another. Surely, Clottey is entitled to the preflight palaver but, when he says his prayers and tucks himself into bed at night, does he believe what he says?

I don’t think so because he is not The Man who will stop The Manny.

Which brings me to a little list of fighters Clottey won’t beat and fighters he can beat:


1. MANNY PACQUIAO: The Pacman is still climbing up the ladder, a frightening thought for any foe. Is you ready for this, Mr. Mayweather? Give Sugar Shane Mosley a slim chance to derail the Pacman Express and give Mayweather the greater possibility of doing so with his slap and run style. Clottey runs second to Manny every time. Great writer J.D. Salinger just died at 91 which reminds me that, come March 13, the "Catcher in the Rye" will be Clottey, catching nearly all of Pacquiao's punches.

2. FLOYD MAYWEATHER: Obama’s new chant is jobs, jobs, jobs, only one letter different than Money May’s old chant of jabs, jabs, jabs. I doubt Clottey wins a single round with Mayweather rolling those shoulders, dipping those hips and ramming that jab in his kisser.

3. SUGAR SHANE MOSLEY: Nearing 40 but he’d be 40 and fabulous against Clottey. Mosley’s work rate and stretch run would give him a clear cut victory on points.

(See Examiner Rockwell on steroid monster Victor Conte calling Pacman "highly suspicious.")

(See DSource on words of praise for Clottey's pride and professionalism.)

(See Ricardo "Love them Dodgers" Lois on Pacman soaring while Mayweather sits idle.)

(See Vegas Examiner Robinson on why Foreman should focus on Cotto, forget Manny for now.)

4. LUIS COLLZAO: Does Lefty Louie from Coney Island carry the swine flu? I wonder the way he gets avoided. He and Clottey will never fight, being in different promotional camps but Collazo is another portsider who Josh would only be joshing with.

5. YURI I’M NO BORE, MAN, FOREMAN: Rabbi to be would take Clottey to shul, er I mean school over 12 rounds and take comfotrtable decision. Only 27, Foreman’s confidence got huge boost with title victory over proven banger Daniel Santos. This could happen as both are Top Rank cattle, er I mean chattel.


1. RICKY HATTON: This fight carried on Comedy Central, ho, ho and few more hos.

2. ANDRE BERTO: Never happens as Uncle Bob and Uncle Al (Haymon) fighers rarely mix it up. Berto probably nips Clottey but, properly inspired and with a trainer who pushes him from rounds eight through 12, Josh could possible defeat Berto.

3. ANTONIO MARGARITO: Revenge bout for Clottey but unlikely to happen. Who knows what Bandito Margocheato has left after suspension year on shelf? Arum might make this bout after both get beaten by his Megacash Cow from Gen San.

4. YO PAULIE MALIGNAGGI: Think Clottey would prove too physically strong for sorehanded Brookllynite. Unlikely to ever happen but it would be interesting but short of compelling.

5. CORY SPINKS: Joshua could beat Cory but they will never fight and Cory would put on a boxing clinic to nab a points verdict. It would take extra effort for Clottey to defeat the jabbing master out of ‘The Lou.

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Clottey Appeals To Ghana President For

Pacquiao Clottey 24/7 Episodes, Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
Houston Boxing Examiner | Marv Dumon

WBO welterweight title challenger and Ghana native Joshua Clottey may be receiving the full support of his countrymen for his upcoming March 13th bout with pound for pound king Manny Pacquiao in Arlington, Texas. However, U.S. embassy officials in Ghana's capital, Accra, are giving the boxer fits.

Having denied Clottey's coach Godwin Kotey and his assistant Daniel Clottey could prove to be a big liability for a fighter facing the speedy and powerful Pacquiao. Clottey interrupted his training schedule and flew from New York to Ghana earlier this week to personally press his team's case for the temporary visas.

Appeal >

At a press conference organized by the Ghana Boxing Authority, several officials and boxing personalities were in attendance to support their fellow Ghanaian. Clottey, however, appeared emotional at the prospect of not being able to work with his trusted coach.

Modern Ghana reports that Clottey broke down in tears midway through his press conference due to his coach's inability to travel to the U.S. Clottey has repeatedly stated that facing Manny Pacquiao is the biggest fight of his career.
U.S. Security

U.S. State Department officials remain extremely cautious with temporary visas, especially from applications originating from Africa, due to the negative fallout from being unable to recognize security threats that came from the continent late last year. Clottey is reportedly appealing to Ghana President Atta Mills to resolve the matter. Ghanaian officials are also said to be working behind closed doors with U.S. embassy officials stationed in Accra.

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Manny Pacquiao Vs Josh Clottey 2010

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Knowledge Power Evolution Of Manny

Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao Training against clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Ace Freeman (31-Jan-2010)

Ace Freeman takes you behind closed doors in Manny Pacquiao’s January 2010 training camp to take a closer look at the man behind the growing legend.

“Knowledge plus power…” the champ yelled out. “Knowledge plus power!”

Those were the words that resonated through the silence in an empty Wild Card gym at high noon on this particular Friday in January 2010, as Manny Pacquiao began to glide across a fresh sheet of canvas. The Hollywood sun was peeking in thinly despite the drawn shades and it momentarily risked illuminating Boxing’s brightest star even more so than was already the case.

His shadowboxing began with the absence of any shadows early in this training camp. I stood transfixed by his movements. It was not the first time I’ve been afforded the privilege of watching Pacquiao at work but I was indeed stuck with a new sense of awe at the specimen he’s become over the last four years.

His simple warm up routine carried a sense of grace befitting of the sweet science. His movement appeared choreographed like a fistic ballet… beautiful in it’s own right if not for the accompanying undertone of pending violence. As he skated around the empty ring his blazing fists in unison with his primitive grunting was a harsh reminder of the bad intentions behind what he is currently preparing for.

It is the beginning of a new decade and the Filipino charge sits firmly atop the world of boxing. His goal has now become defending his crown. It is a stark contrast to the humble and scruffy young man I first watched train in the same ring during my first trip to Los Angeles in 2006.

In a visit to watch then heavyweight hopeful James Toney train under the watchful guidance of the now infamous ‘Coach’ Freddie Roach, I first saw Manny Pacquiao up close and personal as he prepared for his rematch with Eric Morales. It was a quiet and subdued young fighter whom I first saw, laying in relative obscurity, finishing up his abdominal work.

At the time the legions of hopeful fans needing to be turned away in droves did not yet line the side walks around the Wild Card Boxing Club, and access to the young up and coming fighter was a lot easier to come by.

Unfortunately this was not the case on my most recent trip to Los Angeles.

I had been hopeful I would get the chance to see Manny train this visit but knew it was far from a guarantee. Life around the Wild Card during Manny’s training camp is now up to snuff with the exclusivity in the surrounding Hollywood hills. Everyone wants a piece or a peek and the room for the champ to be made available is thin with his dire need to focus.

Friday morning I made my way down to the gym bright and early hoping to catch Freddie Roach with enough fee time time for an interview. As a fellow (partial) Canadian, Freddie has always been hospitable on top of being one of the most genuine personalities in the fight game. After a lengthy chat about the current state of things surrounding him and his fighter I was fortunate enough to end up with an invitation to sit in on an afternoon of Manny’s training.

I waited in the wings as the place swelled with the early morning crowd of gym rats hard at work. The speed bags were humming and standing room became scarce with the building near capacity as men and women alike struggled to get their workouts in.

As the clock struck the top of the hour it was as if all the hand wraps and gloves fell empty to the floor and all signs of life seemed to suddenly vanish. The gym closes at the same time each afternoon for the private training camp of Manny Pacquiao… and once vacated the silence before the champ’s arrival is deafening.

The Wild Card looks serene in the absence of all it’s members, and the afternoon sun illuminated the main ring as it sat empty awaiting it’s most famous inhabitant.

Gone was the ball cap wearing up and comer who was shy about making eye contact years before. The man who entered the gym this time around was larger than life and had the entourage to go with it. From drivers to chefs to the faithful inner circle, Manny Pacquiao now travels like the attraction he has become in recent years.

Arguably one of the most famous individuals in the history of his own country and one of the premiere athletes in all the world, humility is not a trait the champ lost along the way. He smiled with bright and endearing eyes upon seeing my intrusion to his camp and flashed an inviting smile as he shook my hand.

After making the rounds to greet the familiar onlookers who had remained in the gym, Pacquaio entered the ring dawning a “Manila No. 25″ t-shirt and began a rigorous stretching routine with strength and conditioning coach Alex Ariza.

The door to the gym was now locked as Team Pacquiao body guard Rob Peters stood watch, looking to keep eager onlookers on the outside looking in.

Manny Pacquiao was all smiles as he began his workout. After stretching he started out with light shadowboxing and began to chase Ariza around the ring. Just as he would when cutting off the ring while stalking a retreating opponent, Pacquiao moved like a shark through water with deceptive speed of foot. Finally cornered, Ariza impressively leapt through the ropes to the delight of the onlookers. An impressive vanishing act not afforded to actual Pacquiao opponents.

The champ continued on and would spin and throw punches every which way as he pivoted and changed angles constantly. His faithful sidekick Buboy Fernandez was the constant victim of a surprise body attack every time Manny passed by his location on the sideline. Pacquiao would change direction suddenly as he neared the rope and end a combination of punches with a slapping swipe at his friend’s mid section.

One of these shots happened right in front of me as I looked on from behind the ropes and somewhat caught off guard I happened to gasp at the loud slapping sound as Buboy hunched over in some discomfort.

My alarm caught the champ’s attention and he looked at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows and laughed somewhat nervously.

“Body shot!” I exclaimed. He laughed and repeated my sentiment.

“Body shot!”

Things took on a much more serious tone as Freddie Roach entered the ring. The long time ace trainer maintains a loose and carefree climate at his Hollywood stronghold along with his band of merry men, but when it comes time to enter the ring with his star pupil, he is all business.

The multi million dollar athlete gave a slight bow in the direction of his mentor. The reverence in Pacquiao’s eyes as he submits to the advice and instructions of Coach Freddie further contrast the shades of the humble, naive young man who first came through those doors several years back.

The teacher-student dynamic between Roach and Pacquiao remains paramount to the ongoing success the dynamic duo currently enjoys. As much room as there is for clowning and play, Roach knows when it’s time to bear down and Pacquiao follows his lead without question.

As the two began to engage in thunderous mitt-work, Joshua Clottey’s name came up for the first time. As is often the case while working the mitts, the two focused on strategic movements particular to Manny’s March 13 opponent. We had been asked to turn off our video cameras during the pad work portion of the training and it was immediately evident why.

Precise movements are tirelessly choreographed between the two with the intention of capitalizing on their opponent’s style and habits.

The dialogue between the trainer and fighter was fascinating as they meticulously practiced angles and the exploding of particular punches out of varied movements. Roach has already studied a great deal of Joshua Clottey footage and feels he has the ground work for a solid game plan.

From his comments to Freddie in mid flight it’s clear Pacquiao has done a great deal of studying in his own right as he stops to ask the coach for his opinion on certain adjustments the African challenger may attempt to employ.

A trend that has emerged in recent fights continues in training as Pacquiao becomes increasingly more effective at generating explosive power while retreating on the back foot.

Early in his career when he was often guilty of being a one-handed stalker the majority of the damage he did was reserved to when he was coming forward with his foot firmly on the gas.

Critics were quick to point out that in instances where opponents managed to back the effectiveness of the Filipino fighter’s technique diminished.

No more.

Present day Pacquiao seems to have summoned the ability to spring forward out of a retreating crouch with the reflexes of a cat. It appears to be one of the many elements of movement tirelessly included in his training routine.

As Roach and Pacquiao continued with their mitt work the combination punching was nothing short of awe inspiring.

Earlier in the day I asked Freddie to convey to me how much harder Manny is punching now that he’s settled in to a welterweight frame.

“He’s hitting fucking hard,” was his reply, the expletive appeared inserted for emphasis, and for the aches that surely accompany a long session of catching such ferocious punches.

Coach Roach is literally playing with fire these days in that regard. In practicing combination punching on the mitts, one might liken him catching the blazing fast sequences of punches to juggling explosives.

To the naked eye there appears to be so little room for error with the velocity of the punches that at times Roach’s face is split seconds and millimetres away from absorbing a potential knock out blow.

Manny would tirelessly throw combinations at Roach in under a second’s time. As they repeated this lightning fast sequence, Roach would occasionally ask his star pupil to “hook out”, adding a “clean up” hook for good measure.

Each time this was done I cringed as the fine line of Pacquiao’s control over the precision of those final punches appeared to flirt with the possibility of blasting Roach near his chin.

To my surprise it never happened. The high octane choreography continued on and on with pin point accuracy.

Trainer and pupil were tireless in their attention to detail. Manny would often speak of particular punches in his arsenal as though they were literally weapons. He appears obsessed with the tactical aspect of perfecting minute details and movements. Again, a stark contrast to the younger stalking, pressure fighter of many years ago, who came blazing on to the world scene on the coat tails of ferocity alone.

Manny Pacquiao in 2010 is a whole other beast.

“I’m smart!” he exclaimed as he danced around the ring upon completing the strategic mitt work with Roach. Like a kid in a candy store he spun around the ring like a wind up toy.

All through out the training session that day the champ would mix in an occasional “Ali Shuffle”… a quick shuffling of the feet made famous by the legendary Muhammad Ali. Roach later confirmed Manny seems to greatly enjoy doing that as of late.

“Knowledge plus power…” Manny exclaimed. “Knowledge plus power!”

The words were repeated like a mantra that afternoon as he continued speeding his way around the ring.

From the young man who slowly discovered the debilitating power he possessed at boxing’s top level to the grown man who now tirelessly works to plot his destruction with a thinking man’s prognostication… there has been an evolution in Manny Pacquiao in these last few years.

He has superseded the perfection of a singular style and instead of feeling the need to drive endlessly forward, he seems to have grasped the fact that it is the unbending tree that breaks in the wind. His newfound ability to retreat and react has truly added a superior dimension to his fold.

It is something he still works on endlessly and it is the reason we see so much improvement with each fight he takes.

Manny finished the training session that afternoon with work on the speed bags. As he worked to a nice rhythm in the setting afternoon sun I couldn’t help but notice a old faded photo of a young Floyd Mayweather Jr. on the Wild Card wall. It hung among many photos high above Manny’s head as he droned away on the bag.

After a proposed mega fight for early this year fell by the wayside, Mayweather continues to be the elephant in the room around Team Pacquiao, and it was not a topic that went untouched through out the afternoon.

Pacquiao took a moment in his clowning around the ring to do his impression of Mayweather’s patented defense. Everyone was all smiles as he exaggerated pulling away from imaginary punches to his own delight.

“Floyd is good,” Manny said at one point. “… but he is the former pound-for-pound king.”

The entire training session was over in just under three hours.

When everything was said and done we were lucky enough to have garnered an invite from Manny’s culinary specialist Archie to join Team Pacquiao for dinner.

In a small and secluded Thai restaurant near the Wild Card – closed down just for Manny’s visit – we enjoyed a healthy selection of fish, soup, chicken and rice served to a group of fifteen or so.

A big screen TV sat high on the wall surrounded by autographed photos of the champ. One in particular read “I love Thai food” along with his patented signature.

While we ate we watched early fights of a seventeen year old Manny Pacquiao wildly swinging away at scrawny fellow junior flyweights. The champ sat transfixed watching his wild swinging younger self with wide and irreproachable eyes. As the knockout punches came the table cheered and Manny would burst out with child like laughter.

I couldn’t help but smile at the irony.

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Pacquiao Vs Clottey Nyc Press

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Jerry Jones Interview On Pacquiao Vs

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Pacquiao Clottey Event Press Conference

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Pacquiao Vs Clottey Original Spot

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Joshua Clotteys Chance Of Lifetime

Pacquiao vs Clottey News
Filipino Sports Examiner | Dennis "dSource" Guillermo

In my opinion, Jushua Clottey should've beaten Miguel Cotto in his last fight- except that he didn't.

Not that he wasn't capable of doing so, it was more of his inability to muster enough heart and will for him to steal the victory in the 'money' rounds.

If he didn't then, he has to now. For his next opponent has plenty of both.

Manny Pacquiao is not considered the best fighter in the planet for laying down and fading when it matters most. It's actually quite the opposite.

In his last loss against Erik Morales way back in 2005, Pacquiao's best round of the fight was the 12th and final round when Morales obliged him by going toe-to-toe.

As it is with the greats- they don't crack under pressure. On March 13, Joshua Clottey will have an opportunity of a lifetime to find out whether he truly has what it takes.

So how did Joshua Clottey get the opportunity to fight the world's best if he practically "choked" in his last fight according to my previous statements?

Quite honestly by chance- plus the fact that he is an absolute monster.

When Floyd Mayweather Jr. made it impossible for a fight with Manny Pacquiao to happen, and when Pacquiao didn't want to hurdle another weight class by going up to 154 to fight Yuri Foreman, Clottey's tough reputation and favorable inclination with Top Rank allowed him to get the call.

Clottey's 2 real losses have come at the once-proven dirty hands of Antonio Margarito and that razor-thin split decision loss to Cotto. Clottey has never been knocked out in his career before, and with his huge frame and superior defense, it's hard to fathom seeing the rugged Ghanaian going down against a much smaller man in Pacquiao.

That will be the challenge for both him and Pacquiao though. Pacquiao has defied odds and logic and retired more boxing legends in the past decade than any other fighter. Clottey on the other hand aims to create a legend of his own by slaying the legend-killer.

By beating Pacquiao, Clottey can exorcise his demons and redeem himself for the times he fell short. On his part, he has vowed to 'shock the world' and go for a knockout. I hope Pacquiao is listening, because unlike the brittle hands of Floyd Mayweather Jr., Clottey's fists can definitely back up his 'talking'.

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Pacquiao Vs Clottey Highlights

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Pacquiao Is Now In Training In Los

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Joshua Clotteys Greatest Hits

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Miguel Cotto Vs Joshua Clottey

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Pacquiao Spars Five Rounds Looks

Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao Training against clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Ronnie Nathanielsz
Sun, 31 Jan 2010

In the eyes of conditioning expert Alex Ariza, pound-for-pound superstar Manny Pacquiao can do no wrong when he trains for a fight.

On his second day of sparring at the Wild Card Gym of multi-titled trainer Freddie Roach, Pacquiao went three rounds with a former sparring mate who helped him prepare for the Ricky Hatton fight but whose name Ariza couldn’t recall although he said he was undefeated with a record of 11-0 and two rounds with Brian Brooks who took another beating and is likely to be replaced.

Ariza said the workout “went real well and Manny was fantastic.” He said the black kid who went three rounds with Pacquiao was good but “Manny looked phenomenal.”

Ariza said Pacquiao “is just on top of his game really and this is only the first week.”

Meantime Top Rank promoter Bob Arum told us he and Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys and the $1.2 billion state-of-the-art stadium where Pacquiao will defend his WBO welterweight title against Ghana’s Joshua Clottey will fly to Mexico City and Monterrey to promote “The Event” since there are several Mexican fighters on the card.

Arum said they will have a huge press conference to promote the undercard which will feature Jose Luis Castillo against Alfonso Gomez and former world champion Antonio Margarito who makes a comeback after serving a one year suspension by the California Athletic Commission for loaded hand-wraps in his fight against Miguel Cotto.

Margarito will fight American Carson Jones while Irish middleweight John Duddy will also see action on the card.

Arum also indicated that Clottey would return to the US from Accrta, Ghana on Tuesday to resume training and should his trainer not get his US visa renewed Clottey would have to work with a new trainer from the US.

Arum didn’t wish to talk about the reported May 1 clash between Floyd Mayweather Jr and Sugar Shane Mosley indicating he would go ahead with his plans for Pacquiao and not worry about what Golden Boy Promotions or the Mayweather camp say or do.

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Pacquiao Is Now In Training In Los

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Manny Pacquiao Kicks Off Training Camp

Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao Training against clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
By Staff (31-Jan-2010) was behind closed doors in Camp Pacquiao earlier this weekend and observed the pound-for-pound king in an exclusive workout. The ‘Pacman’ kicked things off looking in tremendous shape for his first week in active training and together with Coach Freddie Roach and the rest of the team preparations for his March 13 fight against Joshua Clottey are well underway. Stay tuned for an upcoming article from Ace Freeman, more exclusive photos from Cherry Cervantes, and an eagerly anticipated new original short documentary by Ron Gabriel. Only on!

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Reason Why Pacquiao Called As Poun 4

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Joshua Clotteys Greatest Hits

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Pacquiao Tops List Five Guys Joshua

Pacquiao Clottey 24/7 Episodes, Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
Boxing Examiner | Michael Marley

Obviously, Joshua Clottey is a marketable commodity. But his pre Manny Pacquiao fight remarks must be taken with grains of salt, maybe 12 million grains of salt.

Like President Bam Bam in his feisty State of the Union speech Wednesday night, Clottey is hitting all the right notes.

The Ghanaian is saying that Megamanny is not superman. He says he knows how to handle southpaws. He says he won’t be in the Cowboys Stadium on march 13 merely to collect the biggest purse of his distinguished if hardly remarkable career.

Speculative promises are one thing and hot air is another. Surely, Clottey is entitled to the preflight palaver but, when he says his prayers and tucks himself into bed at night, does he believe what he says?

I don’t think so because he is not The Man who will stop The Manny.

Which brings me to a little list of fighters Clottey won’t beat and fighters he can beat:


1. MANNY PACQUIAO: The Pacman is still climbing up the ladder, a frightening thought for any foe. Is you ready for this, Mr. Mayweather? Give Sugar Shane Mosley a slim chance to derail the Pacman Express and give Mayweather the greater possibility of doing so with his slap and run style. Clottey runs second to Manny every time. Great writer J.D. Salinger just died at 91 which reminds me that, come March 13, the "Catcher in the Rye" will be Clottey, catching nearly all of Pacquiao's punches.

2. FLOYD MAYWEATHER: Obama’s new chant is jobs, jobs, jobs, only one letter different than Money May’s old chant of jabs, jabs, jabs. I doubt Clottey wins a single round with Mayweather rolling those shoulders, dipping those hips and ramming that jab in his kisser.

3. SUGAR SHANE MOSLEY: Nearing 40 but he’d be 40 and fabulous against Clottey. Mosley’s work rate and stretch run would give him a clear cut victory on points.

(See Examiner Rockwell on steroid monster Victor Conte calling Pacman "highly suspicious.")

(See DSource on words of praise for Clottey's pride and professionalism.)

(See Ricardo "Love them Dodgers" Lois on Pacman soaring while Mayweather sits idle.)

(See Vegas Examiner Robinson on why Foreman should focus on Cotto, forget Manny for now.)

4. LUIS COLLZAO: Does Lefty Louie from Coney Island carry the swine flu? I wonder the way he gets avoided. He and Clottey will never fight, being in different promotional camps but Collazo is another portsider who Josh would only be joshing with.

5. YURI I’M NO BORE, MAN, FOREMAN: Rabbi to be would take Clottey to shul, er I mean school over 12 rounds and take comfotrtable decision. Only 27, Foreman’s confidence got huge boost with title victory over proven banger Daniel Santos. This could happen as both are Top Rank cattle, er I mean chattel.


1. RICKY HATTON: This fight carried on Comedy Central, ho, ho and few more hos.

2. ANDRE BERTO: Never happens as Uncle Bob and Uncle Al (Haymon) fighers rarely mix it up. Berto probably nips Clottey but, properly inspired and with a trainer who pushes him from rounds eight through 12, Josh could possible defeat Berto.

3. ANTONIO MARGARITO: Revenge bout for Clottey but unlikely to happen. Who knows what Bandito Margocheato has left after suspension year on shelf? Arum might make this bout after both get beaten by his Megacash Cow from Gen San.

4. YO PAULIE MALIGNAGGI: Think Clottey would prove too physically strong for sorehanded Brookllynite. Unlikely to ever happen but it would be interesting but short of compelling.

5. CORY SPINKS: Joshua could beat Cory but they will never fight and Cory would put on a boxing clinic to nab a points verdict. It would take extra effort for Clottey to defeat the jabbing master out of ‘The Lou.

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Pacquiao Tops List Five Guys Joshua

Pacquiao Clottey 24/7 Episodes, Pacquiao Clottey The Event, Pacquiao vs Clottey, Pacquiao vs Clottey News, Pacquiao vs Clottey Online Live Streaming, Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
Boxing Examiner | Michael Marley

Obviously, Joshua Clottey is a marketable commodity. But his pre Manny Pacquiao fight remarks must be taken with grains of salt, maybe 12 million grains of salt.

Like President Bam Bam in his feisty State of the Union speech Wednesday night, Clottey is hitting all the right notes.

The Ghanaian is saying that Megamanny is not superman. He says he knows how to handle southpaws. He says he won’t be in the Cowboys Stadium on march 13 merely to collect the biggest purse of his distinguished if hardly remarkable career.

Speculative promises are one thing and hot air is another. Surely, Clottey is entitled to the preflight palaver but, when he says his prayers and tucks himself into bed at night, does he believe what he says?

I don’t think so because he is not The Man who will stop The Manny.

Which brings me to a little list of fighters Clottey won’t beat and fighters he can beat:


1. MANNY PACQUIAO: The Pacman is still climbing up the ladder, a frightening thought for any foe. Is you ready for this, Mr. Mayweather? Give Sugar Shane Mosley a slim chance to derail the Pacman Express and give Mayweather the greater possibility of doing so with his slap and run style. Clottey runs second to Manny every time. Great writer J.D. Salinger just died at 91 which reminds me that, come March 13, the "Catcher in the Rye" will be Clottey, catching nearly all of Pacquiao's punches.

2. FLOYD MAYWEATHER: Obama’s new chant is jobs, jobs, jobs, only one letter different than Money May’s old chant of jabs, jabs, jabs. I doubt Clottey wins a single round with Mayweather rolling those shoulders, dipping those hips and ramming that jab in his kisser.

3. SUGAR SHANE MOSLEY: Nearing 40 but he’d be 40 and fabulous against Clottey. Mosley’s work rate and stretch run would give him a clear cut victory on points.

(See Examiner Rockwell on steroid monster Victor Conte calling Pacman "highly suspicious.")

(See DSource on words of praise for Clottey's pride and professionalism.)

(See Ricardo "Love them Dodgers" Lois on Pacman soaring while Mayweather sits idle.)

(See Vegas Examiner Robinson on why Foreman should focus on Cotto, forget Manny for now.)

4. LUIS COLLZAO: Does Lefty Louie from Coney Island carry the swine flu? I wonder the way he gets avoided. He and Clottey will never fight, being in different promotional camps but Collazo is another portsider who Josh would only be joshing with.

5. YURI I’M NO BORE, MAN, FOREMAN: Rabbi to be would take Clottey to shul, er I mean school over 12 rounds and take comfotrtable decision. Only 27, Foreman’s confidence got huge boost with title victory over proven banger Daniel Santos. This could happen as both are Top Rank cattle, er I mean chattel.


1. RICKY HATTON: This fight carried on Comedy Central, ho, ho and few more hos.

2. ANDRE BERTO: Never happens as Uncle Bob and Uncle Al (Haymon) fighers rarely mix it up. Berto probably nips Clottey but, properly inspired and with a trainer who pushes him from rounds eight through 12, Josh could possible defeat Berto.

3. ANTONIO MARGARITO: Revenge bout for Clottey but unlikely to happen. Who knows what Bandito Margocheato has left after suspension year on shelf? Arum might make this bout after both get beaten by his Megacash Cow from Gen San.

4. YO PAULIE MALIGNAGGI: Think Clottey would prove too physically strong for sorehanded Brookllynite. Unlikely to ever happen but it would be interesting but short of compelling.

5. CORY SPINKS: Joshua could beat Cory but they will never fight and Cory would put on a boxing clinic to nab a points verdict. It would take extra effort for Clottey to defeat the jabbing master out of ‘The Lou.

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Clottey Appeals To Ghana President For

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Houston Boxing Examiner | Marv Dumon

WBO welterweight title challenger and Ghana native Joshua Clottey may be receiving the full support of his countrymen for his upcoming March 13th bout with pound for pound king Manny Pacquiao in Arlington, Texas. However, U.S. embassy officials in Ghana's capital, Accra, are giving the boxer fits.

Having denied Clottey's coach Godwin Kotey and his assistant Daniel Clottey could prove to be a big liability for a fighter facing the speedy and powerful Pacquiao. Clottey interrupted his training schedule and flew from New York to Ghana earlier this week to personally press his team's case for the temporary visas.

Appeal >

At a press conference organized by the Ghana Boxing Authority, several officials and boxing personalities were in attendance to support their fellow Ghanaian. Clottey, however, appeared emotional at the prospect of not being able to work with his trusted coach.

Modern Ghana reports that Clottey broke down in tears midway through his press conference due to his coach's inability to travel to the U.S. Clottey has repeatedly stated that facing Manny Pacquiao is the biggest fight of his career.
U.S. Security

U.S. State Department officials remain extremely cautious with temporary visas, especially from applications originating from Africa, due to the negative fallout from being unable to recognize security threats that came from the continent late last year. Clottey is reportedly appealing to Ghana President Atta Mills to resolve the matter. Ghanaian officials are also said to be working behind closed doors with U.S. embassy officials stationed in Accra.

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Pacquiao Clottey And Pacquiao Morales

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Is there anything or anyone that can stop Manny Pacquiao these days? It seems like he’s on a winning streak for the ages now with the man who shares arguably the number 1 spot in Boxing’s mythical pound for pound list being afraid to step in the ring with him. Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s baseless PED’s accusations and extraordinary stipulations caused the March 13th superfight to fall through. Bob Arum has defended his prized ward very well, and has now turned the tables on Oscar Dela Hoya, calling for the once Golden Boy to “sign the PED waiver”.

“The Pacman” has no time to deal with such cowardice. That is why Manny Pacquiao has moved on and is scheduled to fight against a battle tank in Joshua Clottey in Dallas this March, in a fight dubbed “The Event” because of the sheer magnitude and scale of the entire production, and Floyd Mayweather is still struggling to sign the dotted line on a rumored bout with Sugar Shane Mosley.

For Pacquiao, the fight with the tough Ghanaian will be an even tougher test than his bout with Miguel Cotto. Clottey, who hunches and plods forward in attack mode, will be the largest and strongest fighter Pacquiao will have ever fought. The man has a chin made of granite. Clottey has taken the heaviest punches from the top Welterweights including Cotto and the once feared Antonio Margarito. And there is every indication that he will be able to withstand the power of Pacquiao. Pacquiao will once again have to rely on his speed and boxing ability to break down the warrior Clottey in hopes of a late round KO/stoppage, which is the only way to win against Clottey to send a message to the Mayweather camp.

Clottey on the other hand, will attempt to do what David Diaz, Oscar Dela Hoya, Ricky Hatton and Miguel Cotto failed to do in their respective bouts with Pacquiao. He will have to overpower Pacquiao and run him over like a ‘battle tank’, imposing his superior size and strength to wear down the Welterweight kingpin. A win for Joshua Clottey could set him up for bigger paydays against his division’s elite, including rematches with both Cotto and Margarito, whom he both lost decisions to. Not to mention the fame and noteriety of being one of the only few people to ever beat Pacquiao.

One man who has, Erik “El Terible” Morales, makes his comeback against Jose Alfaro in Mexico also this March. Morales, who Pacquiao sent to retirement via 3rd round TKO back in 2006, will be competing in the Lightweight division and working his way back up. At 33 years old, Morales attempts to once again discover the fountain of youth that has eluded him for so long, thus losing his last 4 fights. However, one has to wonder if Morales does indeed recapture the form that made him one of the sports most dangerous fighters, he could enter the mix and challenge both Mexican countryman Juan Manuel Marquez, and Pacquiao at the 147 lb. limit. If so, Morales would not have to drop weight so much which is what really piles on the wear and tear in a fighter’s body through the years. This idea has been thrown around a lot but I think Pacquiao would literally kill him at the Welterweight limit. In my opinion, Morales should never be allowed to step in the ring with Pacquiao ever again. At 147 lbs, prime Morales or not, Pacquiao would obliterate him.

Still, Morales is one man Clottey should turn to, at least in tapes as Morales is the only one to ever deal with Pacquiao’s ferociousness straight up, and come away with a victory. Clottey hopes for the same success in March.

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