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De La Hoya must refuse dirty Pacquiao's blood mone...

Pacquiao vs Clottey Updates
Boxing Examiner | Michael Marley

Is Oscar de la Hoya just bugging out or is he heading for the Matterhorn?

De la Hoya must have a new hobby, something to fill the empty hours he used to spend training as a boxer.

Oskie is in the “echo” portion of his starry ring career as in “yesterday's cheers have a short echo.”

Evidently, he misses the spotlight.

Lately, while carrying Floyd Mayweather's water (he has to as the head of Mayweather Promotions is also the Golden Boy of Golden Boy Promotions), de la Hoya has been talking like a mountain climber.

As in trying to elevate himself to the high moral ground, to the rarefied air of being beyond compare.

Exhibit A: "The public will hopefully make him (Pacquiao) change his mind," De La Hoya said. "Why would you not want to earn $40 million? Why would you not want to show the public that all this speculation is nonsense? Be the one to stand up and say it."

Exhibit B: "I know where Mayweather is coming from with this," De La Hoya said. "This was a perfect stage to show the world that, hey, us fighters have nothing to hide. ... It's not like hitting a baseball or running a sprint. These are our lives at risk up in the ring."

Exhibit C: "I believe Mosley will raise his hand and say, 'Take me to the laboratory,' " said De La Hoya, who believes Mosley's protestations of ignorance in his dealings with the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative. "And I'll be the first to applaud him."

Mr. Clean: Oscar de la Hoya should not accept possibly dirty money from Pacquiao's fight against Clottey (AP Photo)

But Moral Guardian Oscar doesn't stop there, he has to kick guilty as sin Antonio Margarito in the hindquarters also.

"I'm actually disgusted by the fact they're going over California and weaseling their way into Texas to get a license," De La Hoya said. "Whatever type of cheating you're doing, it's wrong. You should be banned for life."

I applaud this sudden higher calling for Oscar.

And now I pose this question, since he has thrown dirt all over Manny Pacquiao, why would he and his company willingly accept their “blood money without blood testing” receipts from the arch 13 Pacman-Joshua Clottey bout?

Obviously, Oscar thinks or suspects Manny as an illegal drug cheater.

As a man of moral suasion, then how come he stick his hand in Pacquiao's filthy pockets and take his 20 percent which Top Rank will fork over him due to the dumb as a donkey legal settlement thatmuleish Bob Arum admittedly botched in agreeing to?

You're on the higher ground, Oscar. You just can't blithely take Manny money and walk away.

I know you won't refuse the money but about donating 100 percent of your income stream from the fight in Dallas, a promotion in which you only lift a finger to sign your check from Uncle Bob, to a good cause?

I'm sure this “blood money without blood testing money could go a long way to help the people in Haiti.

What about downed but rising Filipino ring warrior Z Gorres? He and his family could surely use a financial injection.

Or, alternatively, you can donate it to the Nevada State Ahtletic Commission coffers in a time when state governments are reeling?

You can specify the funds must go to improving the NSAC drug testing regimen and provide money to do so that the commission does not have.

From your perch on high, you can then style and profile.

That, and only that, will make you the lead dog in curbing drug abuse in boxing.

The gauntlet has been laid down, Oscar, will you pick it up?

I'm not holding my rarefied breath but, hey, surprise us.

Break fresh ground or else just renew your Haper Valley Hyprocites membership card.

Over to you, Oscar.

If you're really Mr. Clean, go into action.

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